On Time

Research, Exhibition, InstallationTime is both an individual and universal experience. It is seemingly present but tangibly absent. While in Berlin, my perception of time shifted: days felt longer and time seemed to slow down. 

This piece is the culmination of my research and visual experiments throughout my stay in Berlin. It is presented on a vertical scroll that moves continuously to reflect the nature of time: we can not seem to ever stop it or have it stand still for us.
Special thank you: Robert Ball, Simon Johnston, Nina Holland, Lavinia Lascaris, Joshue Molina, Brandon Gomez Zoon

The entire installation stood just under eight feet. 

To make this project work, I had to 3d model and print parts that would hold the motors in place, as well as program the motors. Along with various visual studies, I learned about the processes to take in production.

Behind the scenes

Visual studies for this project were printed out on Offset Litho at Little Steidl with Nina Holland. Each of the experiments explored different, abstract ways of viewing time, almost as if it were tangible.