Beyond Baroque


Beyond Baroque is a literary arts center in Venice, Los Angeles, dedicated to bridging writers, artists, and thinkers of all backgrounds, and fostering a space dedicated to discovering the possibilities of language.

The mission for this rebrand comes from the organization’s role in reaching emerging artists and writers — revitalizing their presence while maintaining their roots in history.

The wordmark is a nod to language and linguistic functions. Parentheses, which enclose supplemental information, take the place of letters to offer a digression of new dialogue, reflecting Beyond Baroque’s role in contemporary literary arts.

I illustrated a set of glyphs to represent the spaces and events at Beyond Baroque. Their stylistic details are a reference to the Baroque art movement, and their graphic qualities ground them as robust forms and icons.

These glyphs can be typed and used as a part of language itself.

For purchases made in the bookstore, the books are wrapped with tape that display the glyphs.

Organization information lives as a stamp that can go on packages, cards, and posters.
The new website highlights each of the many spaces, and what events happen in each space. It also serves as a hub for their bookstore.

Considering that Beyond Baroque is a nonprofit, I built a tool that allows any worker to create a graphic by inputting information like the name of the event, description, date, time, and color of the different assets.

The graphic maintains the same visual language as the posters and other designs in the brand, making design accessible to all those that work for the organization.

Special Thank You To:
Stephen Serrato
Ali Torbati
©Elliana Lee 2024 all rights reserved  
© Elliana Lee